Dr Katarzyna Spurgjasz

She studied musicology and history in Warsaw, Kraków, Paris and Oxford. She obtained two master’s degrees from the University of Warsaw (Institute of History, Institute of Musicology); in 2020 she defended her doctoral thesis there (“Joannes Chrysostomus Zalaski’s collection of musicalia as a source for research into the musical culture of Silesia at during Recatholisation (1654-1707)”). In 2014–2021 she worked at the Music Department of the University of Warsaw Library. Since 2021 she has been working as assistant professor at the Institute of Musicology, University of Warsaw. Holder of a scholarship from the Foundation for Polish Science (START 2018) and National Science Centre (Etudia 2018/19). In 2012–2021 she was involved as researcher in three consecutive grant projects of the National Programme for the Development of Humanities; since 2016 co-editor of the Fontes Musicae in Polonia series (series A). Author of editions of works, a dozen or so studies and papers presented at international conferences.
Her research interests focus on the cultural contexts of music in the early modern period and on source studies.
Since 2014 she has co-organised the “Songs of Our Roots” Festival in Jarosław – a space for discovering early and traditional music through concerts, workshops, liturgies, dance, discussions and meetings.